"Illumination and Glory"
Almond blossoms are extraordinarily beautiful, giving a white and pink glow to the cold winter and a promise of the warm spring ahead.
Almond trees are native to the Middle East and thrive in Mediterranean climates. My first encounter with these stunning trees with white and pink blossoms was in Israel. These delicate blossoms break the cold winter and are the first promise of the warm spring ahead.
They appear in early February so Loves Pure Light's feature scarf of the month is "Illumination and Glory." These blossoms symbolize the waking of what has been dormant, but even in dormancy holds potential and promise. Just because something has been hidden, don't lose hope that it cannot spring to life.
It is not hidden from you; it is hidden for you. Spring into hope and watch love flourish. Seasons change, and then these blossoms flourish in love. Is there a promise in your life that has laid dormant but in the right environment and the right season could flourish in love?
Forever may you flourish in a new hope unwavering. Those that are planted in the house of love will rest with a knowingness. After a season of rest, hope awakens and life blossoms. Spring is on its way!
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