Surround yourself with people that make your baby leap.
Catch the inexpressible JOY!
This is the most wonderful time of year! It is time to enter into a greater realm of Thanksgiving and JOY! May we realize just how much we have to give this season. May we catch the inexpressible joy one can receive when the focus this season becomes on others.
I am not sure about you, but I get much more excited to pour into others then receive. I love to create this time of year and always ask how I can radically surprise others with unique gifts and create memories we will hold on to forever. I really feel that this season we are in is about redeeming the times, but also making the time.
Its December! Who does not love all the pretty things that come out, I love just walking the isles in shops and breathing in the very scent of Christmas time. It does something to my spirit! To me creating a memory is something I love to invest in this time of year. As you scroll down and read more you will understand when I say: “I want to be the person who makes someone else’s baby leap this season!”
I know we as humans have been through much this year good and tough times, and past years as well. But this season instead of getting too lost in the hustle and bustle, go against the rush, go against the traffic, take moments to think about how you can sow into the times. Let others be busy and find your secret place of rest. Create time for someone far away this season. Take them a nice meal, or out for dinner. Go for a walk in a winter wonderland. Drive and look at the lights. Be a shoulder for someone to rest on. Be ears that will listen. Be someone who makes the Baby LEAP inside.
Keep a watch on your spirit this season so you are not caught in any heaviness in the air. If you are feeling heaviness, step outside of yourself and focus on someone else. Go find a food shelter to serve at. Serve someone else’s vision and watch yours fall to place. Your circumstances will change. Be aware how you can combat any slumps that also can arise on our hearts when the enemy would try to take down our spirit. Christmas is a beautiful time of year when we celebrate the birth of a King! It is in the air! Guard your heart. Remember, for out of the heart flows the wellspring of life.
I love to announce to my friends and family when this month arises. Now, I want you to catch it. Call me silly, but it is something you can declare to someone!
“You make my baby leap!”
We know the story of Christmas and this beautiful time of year where we celebrate the birth on Christmas day! The birth of this savior is truly a miracle! To fully understand this miracle, I want you to catch this promise in your spirit. Your baby is leaping! Be around someone who will make your baby leap!
Luke 1:39-45 “At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has spoken to her!
When Mary journeyed over 100 miles journey- that is like me walking by foot to Salmon Arm, British Columbia from Vancouver Island in one day. She was going to see Elisabeth.
Young women at that time might go to the well for water unaccompanied, but they wouldn’t leave the village alone. This journey is as incredible as if one of you should go out from the house one day and wave good-bye and walk to Kelowna over the next three or four days alone. Mary does this in order to see for herself this beloved family relation whom she’s been told by God is also going to have a baby, in order to rejoice with her. “Can my dear aunt Elizabeth be really expecting a baby?” Mary thought, and she got ready immediately and off she went to see her – probably that very afternoon . . . or the next day at the latest. Where did she stay? Did she sleep under the stars? Did she have money to buy food? God supplied all her needs. When she got to the home of Elizabeth- the promise declares this! As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy!
Now to bring this all together...I am sharing this word because we all must see ourselves as pregnant with promise this month and into the new year of 2024.
It does not have to be a child, but truly there is something that has been deposited in you this season. It will come to birth and it WILL come to fruition. You have a baby waiting to dance in your womb! Now who are those people who will make it leap for joy?
This season as we enter into celebrating the birth of a Savior, remind yourself that you too have that savior child living within you! Savior from pain of the past seasons or any previous discouragement. You need to surround yourself with people, friends and family who make your baby leap!
Mary journeyed far to confirm for herself while she was six months pregnant that Elizabeth also was pregnant and they would rejoice together! Both women had angelic encounters sharing about the births to come! This season, humble yourself as a child, may a childlike faith arise. Believe for angelic encounters bringing good news to your spirit! Wait for your baby to jump unexpectedly and tickle you with fresh hope! You need to strategically surround yourself with those that will make your baby leap. Your baby is your dreams, your God dreams that will arise and shine forth into 2024!
Merry Christmas to you as you enjoy this month of miracles... from our hearts to yours. We believe you are entering into your most magnificent season yet! Watch your dreams come to pass!
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