There is SO MUCH POWER in a testimony. Did you know that the very root word of testimony is to "do it again", "repeat" , "return". When we share the good things how Gods great love has touched our lives, it is releasing more opportunity for it to happen again! The world needs Love's Pure Light right now! There is a beauty that comes forth when we hear good news. You and I both have the opportunity to be a messenger of hope.
You just also know not how it may touch someone else in a very special way "BUT GOD" kind of way! Our Love’s Pure Light Scarves change lives and engage our followers.
Do you have a tesimony you would like to share with us?
Read some of our recent testimonies below and may you be inspired by the power of love! Blessings to all. We are all in different seasons of our faith walk. Please never hesitate to reach out to us so we can pray for you!
Cydney is a talented artist. She pours out her creativity through the painting on each of her scarf. Each scarf holds a personal message. It is my to go scarf for every season. It keeps me warm during cold Canadian weather and cool during hot summer days. The soft materials makes it comfortable to wear while remain stylish.I love my Loves Pure Light scarf. It feels that I am wrapped by love and promises. I feel safe and secure.
---Maureen Wanita in Georgetown, Ontario
"My name is Lori and I have ALWAYS loved scarves. I was introduced to Love’s Pure Light in February 2020. My Father passed away in the April and that is when I purchased my first scarf the blue butterfly. I found that when I put it over my shoulders it comforted me, just as if my Dad was giving me a hug. I fell in love with the size of these scarves because they were so versatile! You could wear them around your neck for additional colour, or wear them as a shawl, or even wear them as a top! I found that I always felt wrapped in Love in these scarves and my collection has grown to over 20! I have received them as gifts, I’ve given them as gifts, and everyone who has received one says the same thing, it is like getting a hug from a heavenly source. When I’m feeling down, or anxious, or I just need a hug I put one on and I instantly feel a serene calmness come over me that I can’t explain. All I know is that it feels good! Thank you Cydney for making the most incredible collection of scarves and for the pure light I experience every time I wear one.
---Lori in Richmond Hill, Toronto Ontario
“My very first LPL scarf was the Nova Scotia Piper one. It is such a special scarf and spoke to me because I am a Piper and it’s not often that you see a female Piper on prints. Bagpipes and the “piping world” also extra special to me because my husband and I met in a pipe band as teenagers so many years ago! I had to have this scarf! So unique and spoke to my heart!
— Melissa in Ontario
“We call this Resurrection LIFE-GIVING Fashion! The second I am wrapped in my Love’s Pure Light luxury shawl, I catch the word and feel the love and hope it brings to my day! I see the response of my customers from this line. Need a word of encouragement.. hang on to the card yourself and read it for a boost!”
— Retailer, Toronto Ontario
“ There is really no other thing I want on my voluptuous body except this luxury lightweight silk shawl. It really is so much more lightweight than wool. It makes ALL my shagg fall off. Silk is just so much more lightweight than wool!” …..
----Signed , Bahh-barah the Sheep.
“ I can feel the love and energy that goes in to the making of the silks. And a special poem and love letter from Cydney’s heart is included with each scarf!”
-----Marsha W, Palm Desert CA
"Everytime I wear one of these Luxury shawls I get stopped everywhere I go! It enables me to stop and speak love into someone throughout my day!"
----Bonnie, PEI Canada
------Anonymous, Malibu, CA
“This year 2025 has been off to a great start after discovering “Love’s Pure Light Luxury silks Canada”, Cydney Mariel Galbraith and her incredible hand painted promise inscribed silks!
I stumbled upon one of Cydney’s silks while a friend and I wondered in a spa boutique in Palm desert, CA and my friend bought the last one! I thought it was the most beautiful and unusual scarf I had ever seen! Determined to find one I inquired who the artist was and kindly the manager gave me Cydney’s website and Cydney and I emailed several times as she guided me to the perfect silk to match a dress for a special occasion. However, I loved so many of her creations and just wanted to fill my room with these silks! I can feel the love and energy that goes in to the making of the silks. And a special poem and love letter from Cydney’s heart is included with each shawl!
Fortunately with Cydney’s expertise I ended up with four incredible and gorgeous silks!
I am looking forward to my event in March when I wear “The Hummingbird”💖
In the meantime I tell everyone about “Love’s Pure Light Luxury silks Canada” and suggest they buy at least one of these silks. I know they will bring you so much joy as the energy radiates through Cydney who is a being of pure light!
P.S. I just might have to buy one of her jackets” 😍
I stumbled upon one of Cydney’s silks while a friend and I wondered in a spa boutique in Palm desert, CA and my friend bought the last one! I thought it was the most beautiful and unusual scarf I had ever seen! Determined to find one I inquired who the artist was and kindly the manager gave me Cydney’s website and Cydney and I emailed several times as she guided me to the perfect silk to match a dress for a special occasion. However, I loved so many of her creations and just wanted to fill my room with these silks! I can feel the love and energy that goes in to the making of the silks. And a special poem and love letter from Cydney’s heart is included with each shawl!
Fortunately with Cydney’s expertise I ended up with four incredible and gorgeous silks!
I am looking forward to my event in March when I wear “The Hummingbird”💖
In the meantime I tell everyone about “Love’s Pure Light Luxury silks Canada” and suggest they buy at least one of these silks. I know they will bring you so much joy as the energy radiates through Cydney who is a being of pure light!
P.S. I just might have to buy one of her jackets” 😍
---Marsha, Palm Desert, Ca
"This luxury silk was more than a gift from above, the promise inscribed touched me more than the gift itself, as I have only truly learnt to love this past year! Now when I wear it, its like a cloak of pure promise. I'm walking in love, I'm giving love and I'm finally receiving love! Keep your love "on" at all times! Find your hidden promise inscribed on your own unique luxury silk garment that is just for you!The Promise: If i have not your love. I am nothing. Being clothed in love is all the world needs!"
------Delia Woolmann, Canada
"I was introduced to Love's Pure Light Luxury Silks at Ascend Conference for Remarkable Women conference in Studio City, California where Designer Cydney Mariel Galbraith was speaking at. I was immediately touched by her pure heart and prophetic spirit. That drew me to look at her beautifully inspired creations on her silk fashions of Pure Love"
"My wardrobe is very simple, yet people say that I’m the absolute fashionista—the secret is silk scarves and Flaneurs. Of all my scarves, my favorites are the silks of Love’s Pure Light luxury silks because of the fine quality of her luxury hand-rolled silk and the symbolic colors of her inspired hand-painted designs. What makes her scarves especially meaningful to me is that when I wear them, I know that I’m covering myself with eternal promises from the Almighty. By wearing Love’s Pure Light luxury silks, I become one in agreement with the Spirit of truth, and I am reminded of my true identity and value. I am truly empowered by promise, which are artfully hidden on all of the luxury fabrics Cydney designs .Therefore, my Love’s Pure Light scarves will remain my most precious possessions in my high-end designer scarf collection."
--------Angelika Holzapfel, Germany
“MIRACLES HAPPEN The prayers associated with my scarf are what keep me going, I have been in ICU for over two months now with a lump in my body they called cancer. Thinking I am fighting for my life I trust God and I wore my hummingbird scarf everyday with the promise on it “DO NOT WORRY” I had peace either way to know God’s eye is on the sparrow, his eye is on me. Many tears and crying out for a miracle. Get this, I received some Wonderful news! They called me just two weeks ago to let me know the LUMP was not cancer! I contracted something different and it is treatable and curable within a few months. Thank you Love’s Pure Light for Praying for me. I feel the love from above that goes into every pc. There is a presence. Everyday I am reminded to keep on my armor of love and hold fast to the promise no matter what life may throw us. ”
— Maryann in New York USA
"Here is my testimonial: LPL has brought so much joy and brightness into my wardrobe, home and heart. Cydney’s scarves are absolutely beautiful, the vibrancy of colours, quality and feel are second to none. They are so versatile that they lend themselves to both casual and dressy occasions with ease. What’s even more beautiful than her scarves though are her original silk paintings, her artwork is exquisite. Her attention to detail and explosion of colour really make them a unique focal point. The messages behind loves pure light and each painting are what really speaks to the heart. Having gotten to know Cydney, I can say she is a wonderful, whole hearted person, and it sure feels good to support a Canadian business woman! I can’t wait to see what she creates next!"
( A face has been covered due to privacy) We have many Cancer Patients world wide that use our shawls as prayer shawls during time of healing. This what makes the heart beat behind Love’s Pure Light Luxury silks Canada knowing a promise will never return void and accomplish ALL it was sent out to do. LOVE CONQUORS ALL
“The most significant part about wearing this hand painted piece of art was when moving from California. I flew from Redding to San fransisco and then to Oklahoma city. I wept as I left my favorite place to live. California means so much to me and wearing the Bahama llama sheep prima donna silk saturated in promises of psalm 23 I felt the protection and strong love of God everywhere I went. It is beautiful and calming such a great powerful reminder to be physically covered in truth from the inside out and colors that bring your spirit alive each day. Thank you Loves Pure Light Luxury silks for creating such a beautiful gift. I often cover my 15 month old daughter in it too. The silk is so soft! She loves it. Babies often know when something is truly good too”
. “I had been stuck working in the adult industry for over five years. I came from a broken home with no hope. I somehow found myself selling my body to men for attention and to fill all of the pain from my upbringing. In the end it just brought me more pain living in this cycle I have been stuck in. I have always had a poor vision of myself. There were so many times wanting to take my life .I have always been stopped and couldn’t finish the job. I always knew there was a higher power above looking down on me, but questioned why or how because the darkness I felt trapped in and could never get out. One day a few years ago I was blessed with a gift in the mail from a woman I used to work with. I received this gift the very same day I had made a plan to take my life after my list shift at work late that same night. I opened the gift and it was a scarf covered in all of these hidden messages about how much God loves me, and how he sees me as beautiful and without a flaw and nothing that could separate me from the power of love. It was a painting of a diamond ring called everlasting covenant. I broke in tears when I read the card and the well of my soul was touched because it was like God heard my cries. The card read “ for I have made an everlasting covenant with you, and I will never stop doing good to you” I had been mistreated and used for years .The moment I opened it and read this card knew there was a real love out there. I dance with this silk, I wear this silk and it not only reminds me of the hope that first was planted in my heart, but I feel protected and wear this shawl as a shield. It is now years later and my life is slowly turning around. I still don’t understand how but I know why. That is because I know there is a God who loves me. He stopped the world for me to give me this scarf as a message of hope. Thank you, Cydney for what you are doing in this world and touching many .It is so much more than a scarf. It was a life saver for me”
------Name left anonymous
Hi Cydney and team!
I was introduced to your lovely silk scarves during the Black Diamond Light Up event, when I was touring around shops with my daughter and granddaughter recently. We popped into Lori's Looking Glass for a peek and Lori showed me various scarves she had available in her store. I loved them immediately! We corresponded about one, WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO, pure silk, and I purchased it on a return visit the next Saturday.
I was introduced to your lovely silk scarves during the Black Diamond Light Up event, when I was touring around shops with my daughter and granddaughter recently. We popped into Lori's Looking Glass for a peek and Lori showed me various scarves she had available in her store. I loved them immediately! We corresponded about one, WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS THERE YOUR HEART WILL BE ALSO, pure silk, and I purchased it on a return visit the next Saturday.
I love it and receive many compliments since I began to wear it. With this being the season of the Return of the Light, this scarf and it's colours and promise/declaration are an uplifting reminder during I intend to enjoy wearing this scarf for many years but also intend to gift it to my darling granddaughter Winter when she is older! Blessings- Customer in Black Diamond, AB
Hi Cydney,
I wanted to Thank you for all the time you spent helping me find my scarf on Saturday. I love it!! The poem on the scarf speaks to my heart - I started to read it in the store and felt tears coming up:)
Your words reflect where I am in life and the trust required to know that we are loved and not to worry about the future. I am at a crossroads of where do I go next and am learning to put my trust in not only the universe but myself as well.
I wanted to let you know that if there is any way that I can support you and your business, please reach out. I would love to help if I could:) Blessings-
-----A very precious guest at Pop up event in
Calgary Alberta