Take an escape into this design
Who does not love roses? This scarf is something you can shower, refresh yourself with-like a bouquet of roses- the scarf will last forever. There are over 300+ species of roses in the world! Roses are classified by 3 categories – modern garden roses, wild roses, and old garden roses. Then there are lower classifications of roses totaling thousands of cultivars and hybrids. Rose cultivars also come in almost every color imaginable. Such unimaginable variety!! Multitudes of roses are all embellish this scarf. Rosa ‘Peace’ is an award-winning rose with large fragrant pink and yellow flowers. Rosa ‘Double Delight’ has multi-colored red and white petals with a slightly ruffled look. Rosa ‘Chrysler Imperial’ is a beautiful example of a romantic red rose with citrus scents and double flowers. Rosa ‘Full Sail’ is a type of white rose that blooms from spring until fall and has a wonderful sweet scent. Rosa ‘Tropicana’ has large showy coral-colored flowers with strong scent. Rosa ‘Papa Meiland’ has dark fragrant red large flowers that bloom over summer and early autumn. Rosa ‘Dark Night’ has dark red large flowers with pale yellow underside petals. Rosa ‘Apricot Candy’ has double apricot-coral flowers…. "Black Baccara’ hybrid tea rose is a type of black rose flower – it has gorgeous black-tinged burgundy-red petals…. The list of unique roses with distinct colors, details and flavors for all to taste and see! But the truth is - roses are roses. You, a distinct, detailed colorful human rose, are the most beautiful rose of all!
Cydney’s Inspiration for this design
Roses are my favorite flower of all time. Those of you who know me, know I will have a bouquet of roses on display at my house. I believe roses are the most delightful flower of all. My mind could never fathom just how much love God put into naming each kind of rose and giving each rose its own special perfume! We are Gods roses here on earth! We each have a unmatchable, unequaled beauty that is unique, one of a kind. Your unique essence releases to those around you!
Prior to me starting Love’s Pure Light I trained as a florist in London United Kingdom with Jane Packer. I loved going to the Royal Chelsea flower show! One of my positions as a florist was that I worked as a hotel florist. My position each week was to decorate the lobby and each floor, restaurant, penthouse with extravagant fresh flower arrangements. I loved shaping each vase to have character and a story,to be able to create how the colors of flowers communicated with each other was a delight. How wonderful it was to get the world to stop and smell the flowers and be awakened with the colors of life! I had to wake up at the crack of dawn each week and go to the flower market and chose all of the blooms. Good thing I had a budget because I can tell you that I always overspent, mesmerized by the beauty to choose from. I would come home with flowers leftover each week from my creations at the hotel and end up giving flower arrangements to all of my neighbors! My favorite roses to chose were always the garden roses, the promise roses from New Zealand. Because of the volcanic soil they were so big and buttery with their rippling petals of hundreds inside one blossom. I now live on Vancouver Island here and I have been blessed with Butchart Gardens close at hand(!) where I can journey through the most extravagant rose gardens full of thousands of roses and beautiful flowers. The wonder never stops, the beauty never fades! At the scent of a rose , worry disappears. There is something so soothing about roses, something so comforting the intoxicating scent of a rose diminishes any anxiety. To inhale and exhale such a magnificent scent! To see the beauty of God... magnified into such a beautiful delicate flower! It shifts the atmosphere of one’s heart. To have our eyes and hearts are fixed on such a wonder and magnificence of detail. When a rose is in full bloom, it is in its glory. They don’t get jealous of another rose; they just bloom where they are planted and let their fragrance spread abroad. My grandmother had a painting in her house that simply said this, “Life is a beautiful garden and you are the most beautiful rose of them all”
A truth that I hold close to my heart. ---Cydney

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