Take an Escape into this design!
Life is about taking risks. Where would we be if we never took a risk? Truly we would get nowhere. Life is about trust and recognizing the strength with which God has blessed each of us! For every risk always comes a reward. There is no need to worry. Even if you fall, you will get back up. Think about the first time you tried to ride a bike. You probably fell but dusted off that dirt on your knees and tried again. They say if you’re not living on the edge then you’re taking up too much room: we get one chance at this life. There has been a big swell, a big wave that we know is birthing and this year it is rippling up more than ever. The world has had currents, twists and turns where we have all learned so much about ourselves! When this tsunami wave of love comes this year, there is no looking back, no turning back. When you are in the water and made that decision, well… the only choice is to go for it. When that wave comes you have a fast response to make: Ride the wave or… sink and get taken out. Riding the wave can look different for everyone. Some may want to show off, stand and surf, others may just want to be safe and lie on their board and enjoy the fun ride. Both are ok. You are safe either way, and all will yield amazing outcomes. The first question is: are you ready? The second question is: are you expectant? Are you believing and holding fast for a dream to be revived? Perhaps this tsunami is that refreshment you need! This scarf is to be an encouragement, excitement of the love wave coming. It is going to move all of your past fears and worries away. What has held you back in the past will not hold you back any more. You are filled with courage and boldness! This love tsunami is going to ripple up in your life and remind you that you are called to be a trail blazer. Go first. Watch others follow. Go start that new project, don’t let your worries defeat you this year. When that big swell, the tsunami, comes you are going to see refreshment arrive in new ways! So be encouraged don’t be afraid to put on your suit and get your feet wet. Be expectant for the season ahead!
Cydney’s Inspiration for this design:
Have you ever seen a sheep surf? Well, I sure have not. That is why we are called to step out into the unknown this year. There really is a mighty wave of love about to overtake our lives this year. There has been a tipping point where enough of the bad stuff is enough! The good stuff is about to pour out like never before. Those deep undercurrents have been brewing this mighty love wave. Oh, it is big, it is a TSUNAMI. That’s just how expectant I have been when creating this silk painting! The sheep have big shaggy coats, and when it gets wet, well they are not fearing what they look like! But at the move of one courageous sheep. The rest will follow. I dare you this year, step out and declare “I am ready for the big one!” You all know how much I love sheep. They are the most unintelligent animals and actually quite dumb. They are timid and always need a strong Shepherd. But as you can see, I painted the one sheep who went first, the others saw it and said “WOW” I can do that too! It took courage and a brave sheep to be bold and go first. This scarf represents that we must not go alone! We need our friends and family to surround us this year. I hope you enjoy this scarf as much as I do. Let your imagination take you somewhere this year. What does your love tsunami look like? How will you ride it? Surf or enjoy the fun ride on the board. Two feet or four feet? Dream big my friends! There are no limitations when this wave comes! This year I am declaring over you that dreams will be embraced. You are going to ride forth in courage, and boldness like never before. This love tsunami IS coming for you and those around you this year! I painted the scarf with so much color: deep aqua colors and fiery love in the sky, every color imaginable is in this scarf. There will be wonders of love this year rippling over you! Greater grace to encourage you to ride the wave!
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