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Love's Pure Light Forever Promise:

And he shall be like a tree planted by the river of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season: his leaves also shall not wither, and whatever he doeth shall prosper.
Abundance! Abundant fruit is shared. Imagine, the harvest of abundance that enables generosity without end. There is a prosperous good life in shared abundance. How well we know the seasons that yield a purpose and the greatest purpose is anticipation to understand strength and unfailing expectation of generous provision!!

Luxury hand painted forever silk shawl:
  • 140cm x 180 cm
  • Mammoth in size; may be styled in numerous ways or worn as a love wrap
  • Silk/Modal blend: 30 % SILK, 70% MODAL
  • Ultrathin lightweight fabric
  • EXTRA LONG Eyelash fray edges
  • Hand painted original artwork designed on pure silk by Love’s Pure Light
  • The art is now re-produced for production by Love’s Pure Light Luxury Silks Canada
  • Inspired by a promise because a promise is forever
  • Designed in Canada with love
  • Each scarf comes with a handmade luxury silk collectable pouch to store your scarf and promise card in a keepsake place (when you are not wearing it)
© by Love’s Pure Light

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